Splotchy conjured the starter sentence- "As the rumble receded westward, a fine layer of dust settled on the tall stack of vintage condom boxes."
Randal kicks things off with random Randalness.
Steve Waddle tells us about a mysterious desk.
MRMacrum gives us the old "Larry Holmes," setting us up with the jab and flooring us.
Kieran Shea takes us on a safari of sorts, into the wilds of Camden, New Jersey.
The Professor spins a prose-laden yar about a man that comes undone when he chooses a magazine as his guiding light.
David has a story about a heist that goes awry in a most unexpected way.
Doc gives us our second apocalyptic tale, about a resourcesful man.
Über takes the "Godzilla Versus Bambi" route, but she has a good excuse.