Tuesday, September 15, 2009

F-F-F #1, The Stories

It's only fitting that on the last tuesday of Summer of 2009 that we gather around the campfire for some stories. Now I asked for people to write an anecdote, short story or poem using the starter sentence, "stop me before I date again."

The results here below are both surprising and outstanding-

Doc weighs in first, with "Grandpa's Last Blast." It's a beautiful piece on a man whose time is coming to a close.

Speaking of the golden years, this story by The Baroness will make us all reconsider our future twilight time.

Frieda Bee gives a whole new spin to the saying "it's complicated."

Randal Graves free forms and free flows, putting flash fiction on its ear.

Last but certainly not least by any stretch of the imagination, (the lone member from the original Friday Flash Fiction) Übermilf tells us of the kind of date that would drive a woman straight to a convenant to become a novice.